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Healthcare and Public

CRM as Citizen Relationship Management.

A consumer who is also a citizen.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM), with which the management tools and processes in the customer relationship are usually indicated, use the word "Citizen" instead of "Customer" in the Healthcare & Public field. The acronym remains the same but the type of consumer does not. In any case, they gain from the transposition of concepts coming from the market to the non-market of PA services. This is essentially because the citizen coincides with the consumer. If in the public realm, the efficiency criteria typical of private companies are adopted, this brings about the dual benefit of rendering the user more satisfied and savings for the local authority or healthcare institute.


The challenge

The lack of resources for the PA and for the public health sector (and consequently the private sector under the convention) are transformed into the main impetus for service optimisation and efficiency provided by both in favour of the citizens. These, as taxpayers, express a strong demand, not resigning themselves to obtaining insufficient responses and in incongruous timeframes. This has resulted in the regional and provincial Local Health Authorities and Employment Centres being pushed to equip themselves with systems able to manage the relationship with users integrated with the classic help desks. This is in order to speed up the completion of procedures, shorten waiting times and save on unproductive cost centres. Similarly to what we outlined previously regarding CRM applied to private or public contexts, customer care, as the assistance that seeks to satisfy customer needs for citizens who interact with the PA, has become public care.


What we can do for you

We develop VoIP systems to support a range of media (telephone, email, instant messaging, chatbots, co-browsing, text messaging, etc.), which can be utilised in a blended inbound and outbound manner. We simplify the communication pathway with Virtual Agents that utilise Artificial Intelligence techniques to allow citizens to receive the necessary information faster (or to autonomously make or cancel reservations) and to allow the public entity to more efficiently redistribute their own resources. Interactive totems, omnichannel contact centres, and process automation have brought citizens closer to the source of the services. This is because we believe that there are no great differences between customer care and public care: the person is always at the centre. For this reason, in Healthcare&Public we have experiences of excellence alongside expert institutions in the Italian public administration and healthcare sector. Thanks to our technology, the CUPs (Centri Unici di Prenotazione, being appointment centres) and the URPs (Uffici per la Relazione con il Pubblico, being the public relations offices) have added innovative functions to the traditional face-to-face option.

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